Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Acceptance Into Atheist Blogroll

This'll be a shorter post, so I'm doing this on the fly as an announcement for people to see. I've been added to the Atheist Blogroll, run by the owner of the Deep Thoughts blog. They feature all manner of atheist, skeptic and agnostic blogs. I still have yet to even plumb the depths of the hundreds, possibly thousands, of blogs that are featured on the main list. It's beneficial to all of us bloggers as a community and I hope I can contribute my relatively humble thoughts to our group as a whole, diverse as we are. I've added a button in my site code to link you to the main list, you'll see it near the top of the right side, last I checked. Enjoy, as there are many diverse bloggers on the list just from a quick glance and more to come in the future. Thanks again to Mojoey!

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